John Fortescue
John Fortescue, 1394?-1476?
Biographical Details
Other names of John Fortescue
- Fortescue-Aland, John
- Fortescue, Johannes
- Fortescue, John
- Fortescue, John (Maister)
- Fortescue, John (Master)
- Fortescue, John (Sir)
- Fortescue, John William
- Fortescue, John William (Sir)
- Ioannes Fortescue
- John Fortescue (Chief Justice of the King’s Bench of England)
- John Fortescue (englischer politischer Schriftsteller)
- John Fortescue (giurista e politico inglese)
- جون فورتسكو
- ジョン・フォーテスキュー
- フォーテスキュー, ジョン
- Forescu, John
- Fortescue, Jean
- Fortescue (Master)
- Forteskew, John
- Fortiscutus, John
- Foskew, John
- Jean (Fortescue)
- Johannes (Fortescue)
- John (Fortescue)
- John Fortescue (rechter uit Engeland (1394-1476))
Publishers related with John Fortescue, 1394?-1476?
Cambridge University Press – Da Capo Press – The Companie of Stationers – John Wilson & Son – Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
People related with John Fortescue
- Amos, Andrew
- Browne, Daniel (1647-1729?)
- Chrimes, S.B. (1907-1984)
- Chrimes, Stanley Bertram (1907-1984)
- Clermont, Thomas Fortescue Baron, 1815-1887
- Estienne, Robert (1503?-1559)
- Gregor, Francis
- Hengham, Ralph de -1311
- Mulcaster, Robert (16e s.)
- Plummer, Charles
- Selden, John (1584-1654)
- 直江, 眞一 (1952-)
- Chrimes, S. B. (1907-)
- Chrimes, Stanley Bertram (1907-)
More Options
- John Fortescue in the Virtual International Authority File: View
- John Fortescue in the International Standard Name Identifier: View
- John Fortescue in the Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: View
- John Fortescue in the Library of Congress Name Authority File: View
- John Fortescue in the Sudoc authority data: View
- John Fortescue in the Wikidata information:
- John Fortescue in the Wikipedia article:
Publications by John Fortescue
- On the laws and governance of England
- Fortescutus illustratus, or, A commentary on that nervous treatise, De laudibus legum Angliæ, written by Sir John Fortescue, Knight …
- A learned commendation of the politique lawes of England.
- De laudibus legum Angliæ writen by Sir Iohn Fortescue L. Ch. Iustice, and after L. Chancellor to K. Henry VI. Hereto are ioind the two Summes of Sir Ralph de Hengham L. Ch. Iustice to K. Edward I. commonly calld Hengham magna, and Hengham parua. Neuer before publisht. Notes both on Fortescue and Hengham are added
- Sir John Fortescue: de laudibus legum Angliae
- De laudibus legum Angliae: written by Sir John Fortescue … Hereto are added the two sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham … commonly called Hengham magna, and Hengham parva
- The works of Sir John Fortescue, Knight: chief justice of England and Lord Chancellor to Henry the Sixth
- Sir John Fortescue: on the laws and governance of England
- De laudibus legum angliae.: Hereto are added the two Sums of Sr Ralph de Hengham.
- De laudibus legum angliae.: Hereto are added the two Sums of Sr Ralph de Hengham.
- Fortescutus illustratus, or, A commentary on that nervous treatise, De laudibus legum Angliæ, written by Sir John Fortescue, Knight …
- Fortescutus illustratus, or, A commentary on that nervous treatise, De laudibus legum Angliæ, written by Sir John Fortescue, Knight …
- On government
- On government
- De laudibus legum Angliae: written by Sir John Fortescue … Hereto are added the two sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham … commonly called Hengham magna, and Hengham parva
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